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Dungeons of Doria Logo

A roguelike dungeon crawler boardgame for 1-6 players

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Available files

Download the rules here (english version, same as print version):
Dungeons of Doria: Book of Rules (English, 21 MB)
Dungeons of Doria: Buch der Regeln (Deutsch, 10 MB)
Dungeons of Doria: Errata and FAQ/Clarifications (English, 1 MB)

This guide shows the general gameplay and rules and helps you to start playing faster:
Dungeons of Doria: Quick-Start Guide (English, 11 MB)
Dungeons of Doria: Schnellstart-Anleitung (Deutsch, 11 MB)

Print additional character sheets, both available for token use or writing (choose LETTER or DINA4):
Dungeons of Doria: Character Sheets (3 per page, LETTER format, 3 MB)
Dungeons of Doria: Character Sheets (4 per page, DINA4 format, 3 MB)

The following are the old, full-sized character sheets/mats that can be used for PrintNPlay sessions (empty sheet and 8 standard characters):
Dungeons of Doria: Character Sheets (OLD version, LETTER format, 6 MB)

Print variants of the Initiative Board:
Dungeons of Doria: Initiative Boards (4 Variants, English, 57 MB)
Dungeons of Doria: Initiative Boards (4 Variants, German, 57 MB)

Additional files (for example more variants of Initiative Boards, additional Scenarios) might be added at a later time.
Let us know if you need anything!

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You can contact us through the following contact form or through one of the following social network channels (Facebook or Discord Server). Follow us on Gamefound to get news for the 2025 print.

More Information

See the BoardGameGeek page or the Discord Server to ask questions or visit for blog articles / designer diary articles.